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Local Corporate Supporters

In St. Augustine, older adults are the fastest-growing age group. Older adults are more likely than other age groups to live alone and face social isolation and loneliness than other age groups. The mission of St. Augustine Compassionate Village is focused on caring for elders through intergenerational relationships and mutual support. Every day we target the problem of social isolation and loneliness by connecting our members to one another, volunteers, resources, and the wider community in St. Augustine.

Including older adults into the life of the community benefits all of us, including the local economy. The business community of St. Augustine benefits when older adults can age in their own homes. Older adults are consumers, volunteers, neighbors, students, and voters. They are invested in St. Augustine and support local businesses.  By making use of the opportunities provided by STACV, our members make informed decisions about their health, housing, and finances. They face the future with increased confidence and can remain in better health, delaying unwanted moves and preserving valuable resources. 

Business Partners have an important role to play in supporting older adults’ ability to age in community by sponsoring educational programs, social activities, and volunteer opportunities-all of which further our mission. When you become a Village partner, we will keep you informed about the needs of older adults in our community. We will publicize your support on our website and publications, and at our meetings to assure our members, community partners and supporters are aware of your contribution to the well-being of older adults in St. Augustine.